Monday, September 30, 2019
Using Appropriate examples, discuss the Elitist and Pluralist Approach to Governance
In this Essay, our main aim of discussion is to build a general understanding about how organisation sustainability researchers propose evaluating organisation sustainability and how the proposed models and frameworks changed over time. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of several aspects, focusing on the methods, tools and models proposed for organisation sustainability assessment, noting the organisation level of evaluation (the organisation level, a broader industry of value chain level, or a narrower product, service or process level).Two other aspects of the research were the definition of sustainability in the proposed models with regard to sustainability dimensions, and different empirical studies conducted using the proposed theoretical models. Administration is a long and slightly pompous word with various humble meanings. The word administration was derived from the Latin words ‘ad’ and ‘ministiare’ which means to serve. To administe r is to manage, direct or serve. It also means to care for or to look after people or management of affairs. In simple terms, administration is the process of managing affairs.It is practised by all kinds of organizations from household to the most complex system of the government. For instance; the giving of instructions by the husband to the wife in a home to prepare food, looking after ailing of the children by the mother and preparing tea and all the duties that a husband deems fit in a home all comes to the administration in that particular home. When it comes to the government, the collection of income-taxes by Income-tax Departments, the disbursement of salaries by the Treasury to the officers constitute some instances of administration.Administration may be defined as the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends. Administration is mainly concerned with proper organization of men and material to achieve desired ends. It consists of â €˜doing the work’ or ‘getting the work done by others’. The problem of administration arises, whenever and wherever men live together. Man being a social animal, the activities of a man in society are to be properly organized and managed. Without a proper organization and management, it would become difficult for men to live together.Administration is therefore a necessary activity of every human grouping. It may be called ‘technology of social relationships’. It involves rational organization and management of men and material. Administration comes in two forms namely public and private. Private administration refers to activities of a household, club corporation or company which are private organizations. Public administration is defined in various forms. Public administration can be defined as public policy, management of public affairs or as government in action.In public administration, we refer to the activities of the State performed by the central, provincial or local government. Public administration can be defined in many various forms. To some thinkers, public administration is termed as the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy as declared by the competent authorities. It deals with the problem and powers, the organization and techniques of management involved in carrying out the laws and policies formulated by the policy making agencies of government. Public administration is law in action as it is the executive side of the government.In addition, public administration is also an art, science of management as applied to the affairs of State, a science of administration which has to do with government and thus concerns itself primarily with the executive branch were the work of the government is done as earlier stated. From the above definitions, we have noted that public administration in the wider sense includes all the activities of all the three branches of the government namely the legislative, executiv e or judiciary which make the subject unwieldy and lead to confusion.In the narrow sense public administration is restricted to the organization and operations or activities of the executive branch only. Public administration is concerned with such questions as how law should be administered with equity, speed and without friction. It is the systematic execution of the will of the people which has been discovered, formulated and expressed in the form of laws by the legislature. The assessment and rating of taxes, for instance, the hanging of criminal, the delivery of mails, the recruitment of army are all acts of public administration.Thus it may be said that public administration is the non-political machinery of the government carrying on its work for the welfare of the people according to the laws set up by the State. It is the permanent executive as distinguished from the political one. We must at this stage also be clear that public administration has to do with people and not with things. There is a school of thought which holds that in the future the tendency will be from the administration of persons towards the administration of things which does not carry any sense at all.Things may be arranged but ultimately it is the participation of the human element that matters. Things no doubt, are of great importance to the administrator who arranges them but they cannot be administered by him. Administration has to do with human beings for which it is meant. It is managed by human beings and it serves human beings. It is essentially a matter of social relationships. It must not also be forgotten that the administrator is neither a philosopher nor a politician but the non-political aspect of the executive.He should administer law as it is. It is none of his business to criticize the acts and policies of the government. He should accept an exile from party politics and devote his attention to the sincere performance of his duties. Public administration has been put to two usages according to day’s modern authorities. It is termed to be an activity and it also refers to the discipline of intellectual inquiry and study. For example; enforcement of law and order is an activity and is part of public administration.Public administration is also a discipline like political science, sociology, economics and so forth as such is a subject of study. It studies these activities and functions, frames concepts, formulates theories and shapes models. However, there are divergent views that govern the nature of the public administration such as integral view which engulfs public administration as a sum-total of all the activities undertaken in pursuit of and in fulfilment of public policy. These activities include not only managerial and technical but also manual and clerical.In this view, the definition covers a multitude of particular operations in many fields like the delivery of letters, the sale of public land, the negotiation of a treaty, t he award of compensation to an injured workman, the quarantine of a sick child, the removal of litter from a park, manufacturing plutonium and licensing the use of atomic energy. The other view in the nature of public administration is called the managerial view. According to this view, the work of only those persons who are engaged in the performance of managerial functions in an organization constitute administration.It is these persons who shoulder the responsibility of keeping the enterprise on even keel and to run it most efficiently. Their job is to plan, programme and organize all the activities in an organisation so as to achieve the desired ends. In this view, the term administration is also used in a narrower sense to refer to those patterns behaviours that are common to many kinds of co-operating groups and that do not depend upon either the specific goals towards which they are co-operating or the specific technological methods used to reach these goals.It is has been sa id that there is not any marked difference between public administration and private administration as both are conducted according to the same principle. The techniques of management and organization are common to both public and private administration. Accounting, statistics, office procedures, purchases, stocking, disposal are common to both types of administration. For instance an engineer does the same kind of work whether employed in a public under-taking or a private enterprise. The same employees do the same type of work with more or less the same procedures.Public administration has drawn heavily upon the knowledge and experience of private administration. All undertakings require planning, organization, command, coordination and control and in order to function properly, all must observe the same general principles. However, there are basic differences between public and private administration such as political direction, profit motive, service and cost, nature of function s, public responsibility, uniform treatment, , efficiency, monopolistic, officials remain incognito, psychological difference, financial meticulousness and greater social prestige.In political direction the great distinction between public and private administration lies in the fact that private is not subjected to political direction save in times of the gravest emergency unlike in public administration. The private administrators have their own ends pursued by the own devices as they are not dependent on political decisions made by the government. The administrator under public administration has to carry out order which he gets from the political executive with no option of his own. The other distinguishing feature is Financial meticulousness.Public administration has to very care in financial matters as any misuse of a single penny will raise queries and accountability hence a government ruling or people heading sensitive financial ministries and departments may be found wanting . The misuse of public funds may raise a storm in the country and compel the government to resign. The public money is to be spent meticulously and according to the prescribed procedure. The executive does not control finance. We therefore do not find dichotomy between finance and administration in private administration. Profit motive also accelerates dichotomy between public and private administration.Public administration is conducted with the motive of service to people while the private administration is conducted with a motive of profit making in each and every time of running their business. An example of public administration can be cited as a school for the public. Schools are run by the government and the government offers education to the members of the public not because they should generate income but offering a service to its society for the sake of literacy. With private administration, an investor may establish or build a factory in a particular area as a result of g enerating profit.Further, Greater Social Prestige – Public administration carries a greater social prestige than private as the public administration render services to the people than the private hence it commands more respect than private. Service to the community is the basic urge characteristic public administration hence people equipped with ability, mature experience which enables them to promote and safeguard public interest man public administration. This therefore adds flavour to the social status and enhances their prestige. Service and cost.In the matter of public administration only such amount of money is raised by taxation which is necessary for the rendering of the service. In other words, there is an ultimate relationship between the service rendered and the cost of the service charged from the public. If you take a look at any government budget you will find that it is generally a deficit budget i. e. where the expenditure exceeds income. In private administr ation income often exceeds expenditure because there is usually an attempt to exact as much money from the public as possible. If this does not happen, private administration opts for a closure.The nature of functions in public administration is also more comprehensive as it deals with various types of people. For instance, maintenance of the railways to facilitate movement of goods and passengers, provides posts and telegraphs to facilitate communications, maintains hospitals and dispensaries to protect public health. In terms of public responsibility; public administration has a responsibility to the public to face all manner of criticisms from the public, media and various political parties because they are bound hand to foot to public tasks.The visibility of public administrators is another notable difference between public and private sector. While a manager in a private business may work in relative obscurity, the public manager must operate in the public eye. His or her actio ns are constantly subjected to public scrutiny. The publicness of the work of the public manager doesn't end in merely carrying out public policy, the public manager has to respond to the demands of the public. The â€Å"inevitable tension†between efficiency and responsiveness, the pressure to manage effectively and to be simultaneously responsive to public concerns.This pressure often leaves public organizations in a â€Å"no-win†situation, trying to serve a public that demands effective government but balks at paying for it (taxes). The public also demands accountability in government, an assurance that those who formulate, implement and administer public programs will act responsibly. Government administration differs from all other administrative work by virtue of its public nature, the way in which it is subject to public scrutiny and outcry.A private administration would be regarded as quixotic if it allowed any considerations other than that of its own ultimat e, if not immediate profit. Thus while public administration is directly responsible to the people to a very great extent, private administration is only responsible to the people indirectly and that too also to secure its own ends and not the welfare of the people. In addition the uniform treatment should be consistent in procedure and uniform in dealings with the public as far as public administration is concerned.The official has to chalk out settled line of policy and to stick to it. He cannot show favour to some people and disfavour to others. A private administrator need not bother much about uniformity in treatment. It can cater for various special needs and purposes, charging often what the traffic will bear without raising the storm of public protest which in the case of public administration would immediately arise if in government one law were devised for the benefit of the rich and another for the poor.For instance, a shopkeeper may decide to give some chattels on credit to its regular customer buy may not extend this facility to any casual buyer. Such a feature does not occur in public administration. Further a clerk in the post office cannot sell stamps on credit to persons who are regular customers because the Post office is run privately but public hence no features of favours will be exhibited. Monopolism is also one of the features which distinguish public administration from private administration. The government does not allow private parties to compete with it.In private administration, several organizations can make the same brand in different forms to improve it for the betterment of the public whereas the government does not allow any private entity to emulate its products. For instance the responsibility of establishing Post and Telegram, Railways or coin currency cannot be given to any other persons or private body to do as they are exclusively fields of the government. As we go on, we discover that there is another difference between the private and public administration such as Officials remaining incognito.In private administration an entrepreneur does things on his own behalf and is well-known in the business circles and some businesses are even named after their own names whereas in public administration even the most senior officials remain incognito and their identity is not disclosed because whatever they do is done in the name of the government and not in their own name. The element of Efficiency also had a great effect on the public and private administration. It is felt by some thinkers that private administration is conducted on a level of efficiency as compared to public administration.It is a unanimous feeling that among members of the public that private administration operates in a more efficient manner than the public because of differential wage payments as an incentive to increase production and attract staff of superior ability from rival firms, improving designs and so forth whereas Public a dministration is marked by red tapism, extravagance, corruption and inefficiency. In a private administration the incentive of more profits impels the individual to devote him/herself wholeheartedly to his business. This incentive is lacks to a great extent in the public administration.Consequently, the administration of public affairs cannot be made equal to the efficiency of private administration. The other factor that makes the public sector different from the private is decision making. In public administration, the decision must be and should be pluralistic. The founding fathers intentionally created a democratic republic where all key decisions are made in politicized environment. This allows for maximum participation: open debate, multiple veto points – a decision making hierarchy where consensus must be achieved at each level, ideally, an informed decision.While private administration's decision-making is much more simple- it's monopolistic or close to monopolistic. This type of decision-making would avoid any conflicts in interest; hence, the goal is clearly defined. Finally, the quality that makes public sector different from private is in the form of unit analysis. Apart from publicly owned-companies, most public institutions are part of a larger chain of command and control where it is harder to draw a line between the different parts of the system- and where legal frameworks provide little help in this.For instance: public agencies- like research councils or directorates of health- interact closely with ministries as well as subordinate institution and â€Å"users†. The innovation activities in these institutions are heavily influenced by decisions made above and below the chain of commands. The closest parallel to private sector will be large conglomerates or multinational companies. The complex system of organizations with various (and to some extent conflicting) tasks, is one of the reasons for the inefficiency of public administ ration. Inaddition, although political aspect is both apparent in public and private sector, political aspect is more important in the public than in the private sector. Policy decisions normally affect companies directly and indirectly, through laws, regulations and financial support. The public sector is at least formally controlled by elected politicians. The intimate link between this governance dimension and funding of current expenses of the activities implies a very strong link between ownership and control on the one hand and the growth strategies of the subsidiary organizations.In conclusion, both the public sector and the private sector depend on each other to operate efficiently and to serve the interest of the general populace. They therefore work hand in hand to the good of the society. The distinction between public and private can be seen as one of the â€Å"grand dichotomies†of Western thought. It is also a dichotomy that dominates the field of public adminis tration where it is mostly defined as a binary distinction between the realm of the state and the realm of the market. Both sectors are understood to be driven by different sets of competing and incompatible values.That is why discussions about this version of the public/private dichotomy are preoccupied with questions of how to separate the two domains and the organisations operating within them. This clear-cut distinction between the public and the private sector which originated in economic and liberal thought is now often criticised in public administration for being an oversimplification of reality. Due to various political, social and economic transformation processes, there seems to be a blurring of sectors with the effect that a flotilla of mixed organisational forms has emerged that operates both in the public and the private sector.They are seen as having various degrees of publicness. Not only are public organisations engaged in activities on the market place, there are a lso private organisations that engage in activities which used to be seen as exclusively public. And although performing of public tasks ‘used to be’ something done within the borders and boundaries of the nation-states, these ‘public tasks’ or in many ways now ‘internationalizing’ and in some ways even ‘globalizing’:
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How does Shakespeare present the role of Feste in Twelfth Night?
In William Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night the character of Feste is a solitary wit surrounded by fools. His occupation is that of Olivia's paid fool, which she inherited from her father, ‘Feste the jester†¦ a fool that the Lady Olivia's father took much pleasure in. ‘ This long standing relationship may be the reason he seems to have a status higher than that of a servant within the household, and appears to leave and return at will without fear of punishment, ‘Tell me where thou hast been or my lady will hang thee†¦ Let her hang me. This may also be because of Elizabethan attitudes towards allowed fools, who had gained popularity due to their presence in many royal courts. Feste`s palpable intelligence is an integral part of his role, as he uses it to communicate the subtext of Shakespeare`s complicated plot to both the other characters and the audience. It is therefore ironic that the fool is so frequently said to be dishonest, ‘Y`are a dry fool: I`ll take no more of you. Besides, you grow dishonest,' as throughout the play he does nothing but divulge truths. His cleverness is immediately apparent upon his first appearance for several different reasons. If he were not a fool then he would have no other way of making money, thus his decision to ingratiate himself once more into Olivia's good graces is a wise one, ‘To be turned away, is that not as good as a hanging to you? ‘ It would also be essential for him to be intelligent to play the role of fool, as he is paid for his acute observation disguised as witty remarks. The most obvious testament to Feste`s intelligence however is his ability to manipulate words. This ensures he keeps his job in Olivia's household, as when she asks for the fool to be taken away because he is dry, Feste twists her words around and returns them in the form of a pun, ‘Give the dry fool a drink, then is the fool not dry? ‘ His craftiness amuses Olivia, who allows him to stay. His way with words also allows him to voice his opinions on other characters without fear of retribution. Whilst engaged in idle banter Feste shares his observation of Malvolio and Sir Toby, ‘Sir Toby will be sworn that I am no fox, but he will not pass his word for twopence that you are no fool. This shows that although Toby is foolish as he cannot perceive Feste`s intellect, Malvolio`s idiocy is so apparent that even a fool such as Toby can see it. Feste later reaffirms his belief that Sir Toby is a fool and also shares his view of Sir Andrew. He greets the pair with the line, ‘Did you never see the picture of We Three? ‘ The painting shows only two fools whilst implying that the viewer is the third, and this comparison suggests he perceives Toby and Andrew to be fools as well as himself. It is in this way that he contributes to the underlying theme of deception that runs through the play. He deliberately presents himself to others as a mere fool, and despite the fact he is obviously much more than that, he is so proficient at this ruse that the only character to see through it is Viola, ‘This fellow is wise enough to play the fool, And to do that well, craves a kind of wit. ‘ It may be because he not only accepts his role as a fool but uses it to his advantage, accordingly gaining perspective from this self knowledge, that he can differ from the other characters and deceive others instead of himself. Perhaps it is because Feste`s intellect is so bountiful that he is taken beyond the role of simply a character. Through it he acquires the role of a somewhat omniscient narrator, infesting both the audience and the other characters with a heightened awareness of what is happening around and within them. This is shown during a conversation with Viola, where as thanks for a coin Feste states, ‘Now Jove, in his next commodity of hair, send thee a beard. ‘ This shows his awareness of her disguise, both to the audience and to Viola herself. It also shows he must at least be extremely discerning, to deduce such a thing from simply observing the meetings between Orsino and Viola and Olivia and Viola. The primary way he communicates his cryptic messages however is through song. The clown sings no fewer than seven songs throughout the play, and although the other characters see them as nothing more than a convenient source of entertainment, many have an underlying foresight far beyond the grasp of a mere jester. Feste sings his first song upon Sir Toby and Sir Andrews requests for a love song. The first verse appears to be about Olivia, and demonstrates Feste`s keen perception of the other characters and his uncanny knowledge of future events, ‘O mistress mine, where are you roaming? ‘ This shows Feste`s knowledge of Olivia's roaming heart, searching for its true love. ‘O stay and hear, your true loves coming. ‘ This line perfectly foreshadows future events, as Olivia finds love not whilst searching for it, but by it finding her in the form of Sebastian. Feste then proceeds to encapsulate the plays plot within one line of his song, ‘Journeys end in lovers meeting. This suggests that he may be ubiquitous, as his knowledge is not only of the future, but of the past events as well. It could however just be referring to the metaphorical journeys the characters have been on in their search for love, not the literal journey Viola and Sebastian have undertaken to Illyria. The second verse of his song appears to be addressed to Sir Toby, regarding his thus far secret love for Maria. It shows Feste`s knowledge of their hesitance towards love, ‘What's to come is still unsure. Entwined with the advice Feste appears to have also interwoven a philosophy for life, ‘Present mirth hath present laughter,' can be interpreted as carpe diem, fitting counsel for Sir Toby who needs to act upon his love before it is too late, ‘Youth`s a stuff will not endure. ‘ Another of Feste`s songs that has more to it than what appears at first glance is that which he sings at the Duke`s court for Orsino and Viola. Feste tells the sad tale of a boy that died for love, ‘I am slain be a fair cruel maid. ‘ It is a song that Viola and Orsino, both suffering from the pain of unrequited love, can relate to. The songs ‘fair cruel maid' for Orsino is Olivia, who knows of his love but does not return it. Viola`s ‘cruel maid' is Orsino himself, who cannot return her love as he does not know of it and believes her to be a man. The one event that does not concur with the omniscient portrayal of Feste is the arrival of Sebastian. Feste appears to truly believe that Sebastian is Cesario, to the extent that he becomes frustrated and resorts to sarcasm as a defence,' your name is not Master Cesario; nor this is not my nose either. This scene suggests that Feste is not as all knowing as he can appear, and is perhaps only a highly perceptive individual, a trait born of his considerable intelligence. Feste is presented as one of the more developed characters in the play, and his multifaceted personality shows in his tormenting of Malvolio. Prior to this Feste`s purpose has been to traverse between the main plot and the subplot (the only character to do so) and though he has passively inf luenced the events, he has remained very much an observer rather than an actual participant. The exception to this is his imitating Sir Topas to distress Malvolio, ‘I prithee put on this gown, and this beard; make him believe thou art Sir Topas the curate,' although his reasons for agreeing to Maria`s request are not entirely clear. He may have done it simply because he is clever enough to know nothing bad will happen to him because of it. He would probably also have recognized that Malvolio is not popular currently with Olivia, ‘O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distempered appetite,' and hence making him suffer would put Feste in a favourable position within the household. It may also be because he is clearly used to his abilities as a fool endearing him to others, and although the other characters do become annoyed and tired of him at times, Malvolio is the only one that appears to actively dislike him, ‘I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal. ‘ Whatever his reasons are this scene illustrates the more unsavoury aspects of Feste`s personality, but at the same time it also offers a contrast between how Feste and Malvolio are presented. Due to Malvolio`s self concerned and unpleasant behaviour it seems justifiable that he should be a rather one dimensional character, hampered by his own contemptible qualities. It is for this reason Feste`s superior attitude and actions towards him are understandable, and instead of serving to make the reader dislike Feste, it causes them to empathise with him as it shows his more human side that had previously been hidden beneath his sharp wit. In the style of a true narrator the last word (or indeed words) of Twelfth Night belong to Feste, who merges his dual roles, and delivers them in song format. It appears to be a rather dismal song for a clown, as it suggests that every day brings misery, ‘For the rain it raineth every day. ‘ This may be because the other characters have gone, leaving him alone with the audience, to whom he can deliver a last message. Feste`s final lesson appears to suggest that life is plagued with misery, therefore, like the characters in Twelfth Night, you should embrace happiness in whatever form it takes because it may not last. Shakespeare presents the role of Feste as a paradox: the wisest character of the play is the paid fool. Throughout Twelfth Night Feste directs, entertains and criticizes the other characters through his revealing songs and witty wordplay, and at the same time makes them reflect on their current circumstances. This is a similar relationship that Shakespeare, as a playwright, would have had with his audience, and it creates a parallel between the writer and his creation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early Essay - 3
Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early childhood education in NZ - Essay Example Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early childhood education in NZ He flipped through his own portfolio and when he found what he was searching for, he called out â€Å"Sydney!†Finally I got what he said. He was trying to tell me that he drew a picture of his sister Sydney and was saying that she is tall. Analyse It takes a lot of patience trying to understand what a young child is trying to communicate because their language skills are not yet developed. Hence, their pronunciation of words may still be unclear. Failing to understand what a child is trying to say may sometimes make them frustrated and altogether stop attempting to communicate. I was so conscious of this when I was talking to L and was worried that my inability to understand him might result in negative consequences. I am aware that patience and sensitivity are important professional responsibilities for a qualified teacher to have to support the development of children’s language and communication skills. Theories In the Teachers’ Council Fit to be a Teacher cr iteria, there is an item that applied to the anecdote I just had with L. A teacher will interact with learners (students),and should at all times maintain high standards of sensitivity and compassion, to recognise and respect others as individuals and to care for the learning of those who are disadvantaged and those with learning difficulties (The Teachers Council "Fit to be a teacher" criteria ) ) Children use language for many purposes (Otto, 2010) such as telling stories that may be real from their own experiences, or contrived from their imaginations; directing stories; expressing pride; obtaining help when needed; sharing experiences in varied social settings; and developing conversational skills. However, teachers should be more patient with toddlers who are still developing their language skills and may have difficulty in doing so. Dismissing them from their attempts at communication will discourage them from trying again, but showing encouragement by giving one’s full attention will motivate them to find more ways to communicate their id eas. It is essential that toddlers get to be engaged in conversations no matter how little they may say. Piaget and Vygotsky, key people in the study of language and thought, believe that development will not take place unless children engage in rich, meaningful conversations with others. In doing so, they internalize language to more complex thinking (Neuman & Roskos, 1993). Act I have to always keep in mind that every child has the right to be heard. With toddlers who are in the process of developing their language skills and identities, they need more patience in being understood. I will encourage them to speak by giving them my full attention, looking for non-verbal cues to help me understand what they are trying to communicate. When they are successful in expressing their ideas, I shall gladly praise them to show that their attempt at communication was appreciated and considered a success, worthy to be celebrated. References Neuman, S. B., & Roskos, K. A. (1993) Language and li teracy learning in the early years: An integrated approach, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Fort Worth, TX, pp. 27-31, 34-61. Otto, B. (2010). Language development in early childhood (3rd edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. The Teachers Council "Fit to be a teacher" criteria, Retrieved on May 20, 2011 from
Friday, September 27, 2019
Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Death Penalty - Research Paper Example However, in mid 18th Century, social critics in Europe began to highlight the value of the human being and to condemn Government practices they deemed unjust, including Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment has been used as castigation for many crimes since ancient times. The Bible recommends death for many heinous crimes such as witchcraft, kidnapping and murder. But in 1500, only some major criminal acts were sentenced to death in England. These offenses included larceny, rape, burglary, murder, arson, and treason. In 1723, the Waltham Black Acts was passed in the Parliament in which many new crimes were ratified and this augmented the number of people given the death penalty every year. Following the 100 years from then, which is 1740 to 1839 a total number of Eight thousand Seven hundred and Fifty three people were put to death in Wales and England. The highest number of people that were put to death was Three hundred and seven in 1785 because they weren’t able to run away because of the ongoing American War of Independence. Due to this high number of death hangings, in 1800 the population reduced to only 9 million. In 1750s the reforms for death penalty begin to integrate in Europe and were under the governance of Cesare Beccaria (an Italian jurist), Voltaire (a French Philospher) and law reformers from England such as Samuel Romilly and Jeremy Bentham. These opponents of Capital punishment stood by the argument that death penalty was atrocious, terrible, appalling and usually given wrongly. They started their campaign with Quaker leaders and other law reformers and believed that life imprisonment was a more sensible option. By 1850s, these reform movements began to take physical existence. In 1853 Venezuela was the very first nation to condemn death sentence and then in 1867, Portugal followed the lead. In 1847, Michigan was the first state of United States to abolish death penalty for murder. In today’s society, Capital Punishment is abolished in most of the Latin America and Western Europe. However, United States, along with Japan, china and many Middle Eastern and Asian countries giv e death penalty for certain offenses and oblige it at various frequencies. Challengers of Capital Punishment compete that it is dreadful and horrifying. Those who oppose the death penalty see it as a human rights issue involving the true limits of governmental power. These people argue that life is a gift bestowed to us by God and no one has the right to take away other person’s life for acts such as robbery or burglary. But should death penalty be given for murder and shocking crimes still remains a question. Further Capital Punishment can be a wrong decision for most individuals because there is always a probability of error. It might happen that a person who is given death penalty is innocent and some other person was responsible for that dreadful deed. The actual administration of our society can be corrupted as well. Capital Punishment is imposed mostly on the indignant and the minorities. There is also a possibility of weakness of argument from the side of preclusion; t he argument that the threat of Capital Punishment lessens violent crime is open to doubts and is difficult to prove as well; and is also morally suspected. Another dispute over Capital Punishment is that we are too unskilled to carry it out. Sometimes a person keeps waiting for months or even years to be finally put to death. The delays, appeals, technicalities and retrials that keep a person destined to death waiting for implementation of the law enacted keep him or her bored and tired of life. According to World News, dated
Thursday, September 26, 2019
How organisations gain committed employee co-operation. Andrew Essay
How organisations gain committed employee co-operation. Andrew - Essay Example The organization should also enact strict regulations to penalize straying employees (Bettencourt & Brown, 1997). Any organization desiring to have all its employees cooperate to ensure the success of its activities, and maximum productivity should cultivate a positive attitude to the employees. All employees must be treated with the ultimate fairness in terms of salary allocation and promotions based on merit but not some back door operations. This assists to create confidence and trust among the employees for the organization. It also ought to be very open in communicating any new policies or changes in the operation of its systems to ensure that all staff are updated on matters relating to the organization (Welins, 1991). Employees need to be involved maximally in all the activities of the organization. This aspect is critical since it makes them protect all the interests of the organization and work towards achieving the set goals as though they were their own. Each employee will own the ambition of the organization and this way they will cooperate to see that the organization succeeds in all its endeavors. The organization should also support the welfare groups of its employees through either funding some of their club activities or offering support services to the employees in their projects (Deci, Connell & Ryan, 1989). Successful organizations that work closely with their employees must have an organizational culture. This refers to the way the organization’s power structure is designed. The organization should have a well-organized chain of command such that the employees always get the true information concerning the running of the organization system. A well-structured organizational culture runs the system even without much intervention (Campion, Medsker & Higgs, 1993). An organization needs to convince its workers to cooperate in ensuring that it gains national certification in terms of maintaining human rights and the social welfare of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Discharge of Contract on the Grounds of Frustration Coursework
Discharge of Contract on the Grounds of Frustration - Coursework Example Jardinia Limited has signed two contracts with Southern Belles which entails the installation and fitting of an industrial size system for the poly-tunnels and green house. Payment for installation will be due on completion of the work. The other contract states that 100 units are to be provided for resale to the general public at a cost of ?250 each to Southern Belles Ltd. A ?5,000 deposit had already been paid. However, a day before completion of the work, a storm destroyed all the installations completely. Southern Belles Limited is therefore claiming that both contracts are discharged on the grounds of frustration with no money to be paid on the fitting contract and the deposit refunded. Force Majeure Clause If either Jardinia Limited or Southern Belles Limited is prevented or stopped from carrying out its duties as it had been agreed upon in the contract (other than their duties to make their payments) by a force majeure event then: The affected party will be relieved from perfo rming its duties as long as the force majeure event continues to pose as an inhibiting factor further affecting in completion of the project. ... e Event, how it has affected its ability to carry out its obligations as it had been agreed upon in the contract and the measures that have been developed by the party to prevent such a Force Majeure Event from occurring and destroying property. The affected party has to establish mitigation measures to eliminate effects of the Force Majeure Event that may prevent it from fulfilling its obligations as stated in the contract. After cessation of the Force Majeure Event, the affected party should provide a written notification to the other party informing it of the cessation of the Force Majeure Event. The party should then continue with performance of its duties as the two parties had agreed on. Southern Belles Limited will give the agreed amount of money to Jardinia Limited for installation of an industrial size system for a green house and poly-tunnels as soon as sales are attained. Southern Belles Limited will use all reasonable efforts to ensure it attains production capabilities. A Force Majeure Event is therefore described as any event that occurs without any knowledge of a party and it is beyond an individual’s reasonable control. The event is unavoidable and does not withstand the reasonable care of a party. A Force Majeure Event at Jardinia Limited will not constitute a Force Majeure Event, unless most of its operations are entirely affected. Force Majeure Clause denotes that the storm triggered the operation of this clause as the contractor could not avoid occurrence of the storm and could still not provide against it. The storm qualifies as a Force Majeure Event since it totally destroyed work that had been done and has as well prevented it from going on as planned. The storm has had severe impacts on the contract as additional costs, time as well as inputs
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Alexander Wendt The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Essay
Alexander Wendt The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations - Essay Example Initially, Wendt believed on Marxism, as a way of understanding international politics and capital, but later turned to constructivist theory. According to Wendt (1999, 110), in the Agent-Structure theory of international relations, states in international relations act: out of the need to make own free choices and independently; and out of consistent patterned structures which fundamentally shape state choices and opportunities. This discussion therefore seeks to discuss Wendt’s theory and is therefore divided into four sections as shown below: Wendt’s central argument How Wendt’s argument differs from neo-realism and world-systems theory Whether Wendt’s ‘solution’ to the agent-structure problem is the only one available or not Whether Wendt’s ‘solution’ compelling or not Alexander E. Wendt (b. 1958, Mainz, W. Germany) is a political scientist and a core constructivist scholar in the field of international relations. Toget her with scholars such as Peter Katzenstein, Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore, Wendt established constructivism as a school of thought. Wendt has taught Yale University (1989-1997), Dartmouth College (1997-1999), University of Chicago (1999-2004) and Ohio State University, where he currently serves as the Ralph D. Mershon Professor of International Security. Wendt wrote the Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations in 1987. ... state interests and identities and that because of this, many scholars fail to consider how first and second factors affect state interests and identity. Wendt also points out the failure of neoliberalism as being steeped in the fact that it seeks to explain interstate cooperation by only focusing on the process, while leaving out systematic variables. Constructivism fails to address how state identities are formed in practice (Clarke, 2003, 122). Nevertheless, Wendt ties the constructivist approach to the concept of self-help. This is because, international institutions (as self-help agents) may change identities and interests of states. The concept of self-help as is viewed by realists and himself emanates from the interaction of the units in a system in lieu of anarchy. This stands diametrically opposed to structural and deterministic documents which realists advance, and in which anarchy exists as the principal explanatory variable which drives interactions. Wendt also posits tha t states interact with one another, and depending on the results of the interaction, these states can come to be characaterised by self-help. Whatever is accrued depends on the process and not the structure (Fay, 1996, 75 and Fuller, 1998, 98-112). Klotz, Lynch and Dunn (2006, 355 – 381) observe that according to Wendt, unlike norms-based constructivism, neorealism and neoliberalism cannot give an adequate account for changes which take place in international systems. For instance, neorealism and neoliberalism cannot account for the manner in which states behave at their pristine periods, before they acquire any priors. Koran (2007, 324 – 326) and Nishimura (2011, 96 – 112) charge that Wendt identifies sovereignty, evolution of cooperation and intentional efforts to change egoistic
Monday, September 23, 2019
Assessing Usability Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assessing Usability - Case Study Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the number of websites and web pages increase exponentially every month. The figure shows the increase in websites over the years. Such an increasing number of websites creates a daunting need for it to be equipped with usable tools and efficient navigational capabilities. Some factors are stated below that enhance the usability of a website. A tag-line should be inserted in the website to portray the main purpose of the product/company/service. This will help the user to understand the objective of the website in a quicker manner. Ensure that navigation is kept easy for the users. Remember that the main page is not the only entry page, therefore, ensure proper relationship exists with the entire architecture of the website. Correct labeling is done on every page to guide the user about his location. Usability guidelines are claimed to be developed by many sources around the world. However, recognized organizations s hould be responsible for the formulation of such guidelines for example; put links for these sites. These guidelines should be considered as standards and should be followed by developers and designers to provide their users with efficient navigation and easy access to information. Following such guidelines makes the user’s visit a pleasant one and stops him from leaving the site for another. Usability can be measured by qualitative as well as quantitative measures; Quantitative measures involve the determination of the pace with which the tasks are performed and how many errors are made during that time. Qualitative measures denote the level of satisfaction that the user has after the usage of the respective tools.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATION - Essay Example The corporation was initially facing stiff competition with Circuit City; however, the failure of Circuit City (a former electronics dealer) in 2009 after deep economic recession and subsequent decrease in both domestic and international demand of electronic equipments, accessories and machinery has enabled the corporation to freely play in the market and gain additional market share. Its operational stores are more than 1,000 in USA and Canada besides online presence, whereas sales in 2010 remained over $40 billions. This is an evidence of Best Buy’s financial strength, resources and abilities. In addition, the company has solid brand recognition, consumer acceptance, an established supply chain and chain network followed by a large pool of loyal (plus satisfied) consumers who have an inclination to purchase Best Buy products. Also, the consumers are inclined towards electronics and gadgets perhaps because of their fast life and heavy exposure to media that portray innovation s. It must be highlighted that Best Buys has already introduced and has adopted various customer and partner relationships improvement strategies such as focusing on after-sales services, product installation (home theatres, computer configuration etc.), product warranties, and others etc. These were not adopted in past, but have now been a major part of firm’s strategy to entice customers, improve their perceived loyalty and value, and to gain a competitive edge over its rivals something it has done better in the past than any national electronics retailer. It is also expected that it would increase the sales of company in both short and long run. However, the economic recession, reduction in households’ real incomes and purchasing because of poor employment prospects is a threat that could hinder the growth of this industry in the short run, but the recovery of economy from recession, improvement in business outlook, certainty and security in job market will improve the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Greek Mythology Views of Creation Essay Example for Free
Greek Mythology Views of Creation Essay The story of the creation of the universe has many different versions. In some cultures it is believed that the universe was created by the procreation of the Deathless Creatures. Other cultures believe that the creation of the universe resulted from a big bang in which all of the elements in the world gathered together to create a huge mass and then burst to create life. Lastly, and the most believed version, is that the creation of the universe came from a God who would create the world and everything in it. In the ancient cultures, the Greeks and Romans had many different versions of how the universe was created but most looked to the versions by Hesiod and Ovid. Hesiod was a famous oral poet in Ancient Greece. He is thought to have lived between 750 and 650 BC, but no one knows for sure. Along with Homer, Hesiod is believed to be the earliest of the Greek poets. But it is hard to prove which one had come first. Not only did his writings serve as entertainment, but they were also used in other aspects of Greek living. He taught them farming techniques and is believed to have been the first economist. Not only was he a businessman but he also was keen in astronomy and ancient time keeping. Hesiod is a very important man in Greek History and his early writings showcase his abilities. Theogony by Hesiod gives a Greek version of the creation of the universe. In this book, Hesiod describes how the entire universe was created from the Deathless Creature, Gaia. But he described that before Gaia came, the only thing that was in existence was Chaos. â€Å"In truth at first Chaos came to be†(Hesiod, Theogony 116). According to Theogony, Chaos suddenly rose out of nothing. Hesiod talks about how me might have been created from the area between Gaia, earth, and Tartarus, a massive pit in the earth below the underworld. After Chaos, Gaia was the next creature to be created. It was created as a place for the Gods and mortals to live in peace and harmony. With Gaia came the terrain of the world. The next Deathless Creature that came was Tartarus, a massive pit in the earth below the underworld. Ironically, Tartarus is where Zeus would banish all of the Deathless Creatures. What interested me is that the next Deathless Creature from Hesiod’s story of creation is Eros. Eros is the personification of love. I started to wonder how all of the other gods were created if there was no such thing as procreation at the time. And then I did some research and learned that before Eros the Gods were created through parthenogenesis. According to Webster’s Dictionary, Parthenogenesis is â€Å"development of an egg without fertilization†. This occurs when a male and female specimen is not needed to create an embryo. Just like the hammerhead or the blacktip shark, which can procreate without a male being. Eros changed the ways of the world with love. Chaos had many children, including Erebus and Nyx. Erebus and Nyx were born roughly around the same. Erebus was the male personification of the darkness while Nyx was the female personification of the night. Erebus and Nyx then went on to have children, Aether, the atmosphere and Hemera, the day. From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night Nyx; of Night were born Aether being the bright upper atmosphere and Day Hemera, whom she conceived and bore from union with Erebus her brother (Hesiod 11. 116-138). The next lines in Theogony talk about Gaia giving birth to two children, Pontus and Uranus. All of the creatures represent something, this trend continues with Gaia’s children. Pontus represents the sea and Uranus represents the heavens. She created them so that she would be covered. Finally, after all of the deathless creatures were created, Gaia and Uranus came together to make the first real gods, which were known as the Titans. There were twelve Titans in all and are referred to as the second generation. The male Titans were: Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius, and Lapetus. The female Titans were: Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, and Themis. Along with the twelve Titans, there were also three Cyclopes and three Hekatonkheires born. In Hesiod’s Theogony, Uranus was so disgusted by his children, the Hekatonkheires, that he banished them somewhere in Gaia. Gaia was so upset that she told her Titans to punish their father. The only one that was willing to do so was the youngest, Cronus. He castrated his father as revenge. From the castration many more creatures were born. For example, the furies were born from the blood that was spread all throughout the Earth and Aphrodite was born when Cronus threw the severed private parts into the Sea. The third and final Generation to be born from the deathless creatures was the children of Cronus and Rhea. It was prophesized to him that one of his children would over throw him. Cronus took preemptive measures and thought out an ingenious plan of swallowing his children after they were born. He had six children and one-by-one he would swallow them. His first-born child was named Hestia who was subsequently eaten. Soon to follow in her path were Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus was the last child to be born, but Rhea could not stand to see another one of her children eaten so she replaced him with a stone. The poem does not state how, but Cronus puked up the remaining five children and they all waged war on their father. Zeus would eventually win and become king. He would then do what many of the other gods had done and banish his father. He sent them all to the bottom of Tartarus where they would never be able to escape. Hesiod’s Theogony first starts off the creation process by bringing darkness, Chaos, and creating things from that. Then it gets into the procreation of the brothers and sisters, and mothers and sons. From that point, the Olympic gods mate with each other and mortal humans as well. This is one version of the Greek story of the Creation of the Universe. Ovid is a Roman poet and in his poem, Metamorphoses, it also speaks of the creation of the universe. In his poem, he splits up the human race into Four Ages: Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages. They tell of different times in the universe’s history. At first, there is nothing. Then a god comes and organizes everything and puts it where it’s supposed to be. For example, he puts fire in the farthest part of the universe and so forth. Ovid then gives 3 stories of how mankind was created recreated. First, It then talks about how the god, Prometheus, created the human race as a replica of the God. Then Ovid talks about a war that goes on between the gods and the Giants. During that war the giants stack mountains on top of each other to reach Mount Olympus. But Zeus then knocks over the pile of mountains and all of the Giants are crushed under the rubble. Meanwhile, their blood seeps through the earth. From the blood, humans arose. The final form of creation that Ovid speaks of occurs after the flood. Zeus is upset with the Humans and wants to kill all of them. He sends a massive flood to the earth to wipe them all out. When he comes to a hill he sees two pious people and decided to let them live. The two survivors, Deucalion and Pyrrha, are the ones with recreate the human race. They take the mother bones and throw them over their shoulders. From each bone, a human would sprout up. In the Bible, the story of Genesis talks about the creation of the universe. It states the God created the universe in sex days and rested on the seventh. On each day God creates a different thing. The last thing he creates was the human race. He created them last and they were created as an image of God. According to the two poems and the chapter in the Bible, the story of the creation of the universe happened it three very different ways. In Hesiod’s version, the world and nature around it all came from Mother Earth, Gaia. And the human race came from the love that was spread by Aphrodite and Eros. In Ovid’s version, the world was a chaotic mess and it was an unknown god that restored order into the world. The bible is the only version to give a time of how long it took to create the world and everything in it. Even though there are many differences in the stories, there are also a lot of similarities as well One similarity that all of the accounts of creation hold are the human race was last to be created in all versions. Mankind came after everything in the world was created for them. Another similarity is that the humans were created as an image of God. Lastly, the final similarity that comes from all the versions is; the universe started off as nothing (pure darkness) and then a god came and began the process of creation. In conclusion, Hesiod’s version of creation takes about the promiscuous ways of the gods and titans. Their promiscuity is what created the world and everything in it. According to Ovid’s version, an unknown god created the world and everything in it and gives stories of how the humans were created and recreated. In the Book of Genesis, God created the world in seven days; as well as everything in it. All three versions of creation did have some differences in their stories, but in they all ended with the creation of mankind. Works Cited Hesiod, and Norman Oliver Brown. Theogony;. New York: Liberal Arts, 1953. Print. Hesiods Creation Myth. Women in Greek Myths. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . Ovidius, and Mary M. Innes. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1985. Print. Separating, By. Xeno. ovid2. Larryavisbrown. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . SparkNotes: Metamorphoses: Plot Overview. SparkNotes: Todays Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . Theogony. Free Book Reviews | Book Summaries | Shvoong Summaries Reviews. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. . The Theogony of Hesiod. Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
Friday, September 20, 2019
Conflict Of Interest And Discrimination In Diversity Social Work Essay
Conflict Of Interest And Discrimination In Diversity Social Work Essay    Basically, is a pointer to the sensitivity nature of the profession and the methods that is required to proffer acceptable and correct care service to accommodate and embrace individuals beliefs, values and culture and of course practitioners among other things must take cognisance of individual background to facilitate anti discriminatory practice in service delivery. When implementing prevention programs to curb any form of discriminatory attitude ,some of the cogent factors that should be considered as sub set of cultural diversity are, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexuality, spirituality, and some other areas. Both the internal and external parts of human life can be considered as the understanding of culture. Among diverse of lots of ways to define culture, it can be viewed from the angle of experience, values, knowledge, attitudes, skills, ideas, tastes, and techniques which are transfer from one experienced person in the community to others. Transmitters of culture are now families both immediate and nuclear, religious group, peer groups social groups, neighbours and professional organisations. Essentially it should be noted that element of culture and diversity are numerous, some cultural experiences could be are biological related factors, like physical stature and colour of skin, whereas others could be sociological related factors, like socioeconomic status and religious connection. Based on these variables it will be wrong and illogical to draw a conclusion regarding people based on the way they appear externally. It has become imperative for social care practitioners to be very competent cultural, apart from the fact that this could improve the service delivery standard it will help immensely to help in the quest for anti discriminatory practice in this profession. Some of the importance of this anti discriminatory practice in this regards is that it will help to facilitate a serene atmosphere whereby social workers will be able to see it as a matter of responsibility to engage in proper conduct, effective ethical services and decision making. This will enable them to be more conscious about the value base of their service users and of course it will help to maintain an ethical standard that could ultimately serve as a platform on which a professional relationship that can facilitate and improve service delivery can be attained in the long run. Civilization according to Obama can be described as equal respect for everybody without exception and a way of living a method of living. Obama B. (2006). In a similar vein, in a speech that was delivered by M. Martin in Dublin (2001) in regards to solving the problems of cultural diversity facing the health care sector in republic of Ireland. Martin stated in his speech that, diversity gives social care practitioners the privilege to develop their knowledge, mental know-how and the understanding of the problems associated with health sector diversity from two angles of both the clients and the staffs. He also identify awareness and sensitivity training workshop for staff as a bench mark to resolving issues related to diversity in population. He suggested that such training should be projected towards enhancement of knowledge based development and skills in other to render effective services that are sensitive to cultural disparities. Diversity according to Thompson, (2001: 34), is a term hugely being used to lay emphasis on the disparities between people, set of group or individuals, and the fact that such disparities can be viewed as a valuable asset that can be exploited rather than a challenge to be surmounted. Such disparities if not properly managed could result to discrimination and thus oppression can take place. Moreover, social care workers do confront with lots of difficulties and barriers in the course of engaging with the young, aged, and the physically challenged as well. Ireland as a country is fast becoming a much more multi-cultural society where people are coming from diverse cultural and ethnical background obviously peoples ideas thought and expectations based on service delivery will definitely be conflicted , but it is expected that social care practitioners will manage all these issues as a matter of cultural competency. In recent times, it is now not unusual for a practitioner to work with a black or coloured people or somebody from eastern bloc. Nor is it unusual to work with a child from an ethnic minority in residential care. Another important of anti discriminatory practice is that it will enable practitioners to have an insight to how human life and experience is characterise by diversity and how is germane to identity formations. Diversity as it may, can be viewed from intersectionality of different dimensions, these factors consist of gender, age, colour, religion, sexual orientation, class differences, culture, sex, physically challenged, immigration status, ethnic background, political ideology and national origin.  Social workers need to understand and placed ultimate premium of the fact that as a result of individual differences, somebody somehow might have experience or suffered from exploitation, marginalisation, oppression, poverty, exclusion and stigmatisation. Understanding this fact will not only help a practitioner to manage and deliver good service but will greatly assist to be able to deal effectively in handling individuals need individually. According to Worman, (2005) diversity can best be described as, the disparities that exist between people that ranges from both visible and non-visible. He identifies three different types of diversity: Social diversity which includes age, race, ethnicity and gender, Value diversity such as psychological differences based on personality and attitudes and Informational diversity which includes organisational differences in education, tenure and function. Rather than seeing this as the beginning and end of one the greatest challenges been faced by this profession it should be seen as a means to an end towards achieving a better service delivery. Perhaps, one of the possible fruits of the challenges of cultural diversity is that it could chrysalises to discrimination talking about the client and the service deliverer. According to Laird, (2008) concerns with racism first emerged in the social-work profession back in the 1970s and during the 1980s major social-work texts emerged to regulate practice (Payne, 2005: 277). Thereafter, a new Diploma was introduced as a prerequisite which include antiracism practice a core module to be part of the prospectus. Thompsons advanced work on the PCS analysis, (1998, 2006) refers to the personal, cultural and structural levels at which discrimination can occur, as a means of identifying and combating oppression against ethnic service users. As a result of his research Thompson would say that the combination of personal and cultural predispositions can create an ethnocentric outlook. Ethnocentrism results in judging other distinctive groups of people according to the norms of ones own group. This of course can create more problems rather than solution that ought to be the central major target of the carer and invariably it can lead to frustration on the part of the carer. Practically, over time it has been proven that problems that arises from discrimination in service delivery if properly addressed and managed will ultimately enhance performance and this to a large extent will help to improve the lives of the clients. Some the discriminatory acts from recent research have their source from language and culture. Ireland for instance is now a cross multicultural country whereby we have huge number of people from Africa and Eastern bloc. This factor can make or mar service delivery effectiveness depending on how is applied. As observed by Share (2009), that practitioners and service users be aware that language and cultural barriers can mar the provision of effective and meaningful social care. Also, anti discriminatory practice can necessitate the quest for knowledge and information to improve learning. To be effective at their job, Social Care Workers need to acquire the skills in dealing with culturally different co-workers, subordinates peers and clients. Powell (2004) points out that organisation are now very conscious of the pressing need to understand and respond to demographic trends in the modern employment force. Carer need to gain an awareness and understanding of the environment around them in order to provide effective supports to service users based on individual needs. Discrimination could be as a result of inability to understand or insufficient knowledge. In sufficiency of knowledge is as good as being ignorance or lack of awareness of the needs and choices of an individual this can lead to complications and frustration on parties. This information may include dietary requirements and religious practices, cultural differences and language barriers or personal rituals. Thomas (1991), observed that workplace diversity transcend beyond gender and race. It cut across people lifestyle, age, sexual preference, functional speciality and geographical location. The diverse nature and the methods to manage challenges that are coming from it has become a major priority for communities and organisations generally. Wilson (1997) observed that the new workforce is the changing workforce. For instance, todays workforce comprise of more dual family earners, an older work force, more people of colour and ethnic minorities, more people with disabilities and more homosexual practitioners. These set of new workers that falls within the groups earlier mentioned are more demanding and their expectation about the employees involvement is so great, Provision has to be made for better work and balance family and making information more accessible, legal frameworks should be in force in order to encourage the Irish workforce to acknowledge and appreciate diversity. The Employment Equality Act 2004 and the Equal Status Act 2000forbid by law on different nine grounds the act of discrimination including race and membership of the travelling community. Section 24 of the Employment Equality Act 2004, states that it is projected towards the implementation of the principle that embrace treating people equally treatment irrespective of race and ethnic background, establishing a general framework for equal employment and occupation and equal treatment for men and women in regards to employment, vocational training and promotion. As a social care worker, working in a diversity workforce, it becomes paramount to take cognisance of and respect such differences. Cultural diversity and ethnicity are not a new occurrence in Ireland. The Irish Travelling Community is synonymous with a long history of a strong cultural background and unified identity group that is peculiar to their clan. Only when these differences are acknowledged in a respectable manners and informing ourselves with regard to them can we be rest assured that these differences has been addressed. Basically, understanding and valuing of differences are what equality and diversity are all about. It is about the creation of a suitable working atmosphere that acknowledges respects and harnesses difference. A fair environment allows everyone to contribute and gives the opportunity to all to fulfil their potential. Practitioners face many challenges in their everyday work environment. In stressful situations it is important to have support, for example, from the team a carer work with, the supervisor or even an individual co-worker. Consistency is an important tool for any practitioner so as to provide the best service for the people that they work with. Powell (2004) explains that ignoring diversity may limit a team in its work to reach a required goal. According to Powell, practitioners benefit from working in a multicultural environment as it teaches them a culture of inclusion and they can benefit from the range of skills and values that are present in wherever section they find themselves. This will eventually result to an environment that is devoid of discrimination and prejudice and ultimately both client and staff relationship will be greatly strengthened. In the present times of highly increasingly mobile and diverse modernised society the key requirement for social work practice to be effective is to imbibe the culture of adequate educational training and practice code of conduct that includes an understanding of minority ethnic cultures and sensitivity to inter-cultural perspectives. The National Association of Social Workers (N.A.S.W) describes the responsibilities of social workers as to act to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, with special regard for vulnerable, disadvantaged, oppressed and exploited people and groups. These standards heighten the acceptance and respect for diversity as a fundamental social work value. Share et al (2009) points out that many third level institutions providing social care courses integrate inter-cultural training as part of the prospectus. Many organisations adopt diversity programmes to combat exclusion in the work place. Social workers have a professional mandate to identify and challenge organisational systems and individual practices that compromise client service, choice and general well-being. (Maidment et al, 2002: 399). Constant rising in Ethnicity and social heterogeneity has been identified as one of the greatest and essential challenges militating against modern societies, and in the same way, one of the most significant opportunities in almost all the advanced countries of the world. One thing that is very certain that can be said about virtually all the modern societies is that is generations are going to be more diverse than ever in a foreseeable future. According to Putnam (2007). He described in the theoretical tool kit of social science two diametrically opposed perspectives about the effects of diversity on social connections. One of those, he labelled the contact hypotheses which argues that diversity fosters interethnic tolerance and social solidarity. The more we associate and make more contact with people who are different from us, it will enable us to overcome our initial hesitation and ignorance and come to trust them more. This is true in social care an example can be that the first time a service user would have had a black worker as a carer there could or would have being name calling because they did not know any better. In some cases this has improved as the client and carer have gotten to know each other and come to realise that the only difference is their culture and not what colour they are. CONCLUSION This essay has been able to observe and established that in order for social care work to be effective and fair, social care workers need to acknowledge differences and embrace them so as to reap the benefits of a diverse workforce. Racism has no place for the social care worker in the work place. Working with clients who have diverse needs can only serve to further teach a social care worker and enrich their practice, which in turn promotes their standard of professionalism and experience. What is recommendable is that there are two sides to a coin, diversity as it may, in totality could be a blessing in disguise because it can propel a society towards achieving or providing the best and the most effective service delivery in the context of social care practice through all the possible learning and training processes that ranges from competency to ethical conducts for all the social care workers. This essay has shown just what diversity is and what types of diversity challenge social care workers could encounter on a daily basis. It has also emphasised how important training and development is in order to give potential social care workers a prepared insight into how diversity can be managed and respected. The world is a small place and social care workers need to recognise and embrace all cultures and their respective differences in order to further enhance their ability to help all service users in multicultural society like ours. Emphasis has been laid on some the importance of anti discriminatory practice in the context of this profession like better service delivery, enhancing good relationship, improve professionalism and help to facilitate cultural competence and ethical standard amongst others. All this factors put together will ultimately underpinned the future and best practice for this profession.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Personal Insight Paper-Group Dynamics -- essays research papers
The Keirsey Temperment Sorter II results imply that I am an ESTJ (Supervisor) and the Strengths Finder Profile results suggest that my five top strengths are ideation, maximizer, input, arranger and command. In the following paragraphs I will identify what I do and how I integrate these strengths in relation to my job, which is administrative specialist for the fundraising division of a not for profit organization called Springfield ARC, better known as Sparc. I will limit descriptions of job related tasks for the sake of brevity. I am responsible for organizing, providing information and taking minutes for three committees throughout the year. These meetings are sometimes combined and sometimes held separately, depending on the time frame of the next fundraiser. I am responsible for all databases, correspondence and communications before and after an event. I am involved in acquiring volunteers, sponsors, advertisers and contributions of various kinds. I am required to delegate tasks to other staff. In this aspect, the command kicks in because I succinctly state what has to be done and why. If these requests are not carried out, I tend to become aggressive in accomplishing these goals. I have been told that one of my best attributes is the ability to call it like I see it. I am told that I am consistent in my gut feelings about an idea in a meeting or the ability of a committee member or staff to perform a task. To this end, my ability to perceive people and ideas out of ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Hysteria Over Conversion Disorder Essay -- Health Medicine Biology
The Hysteria Over Conversion Disorder Scientists in fields connected to neurobiology and psychiatry remain mystified about the cause of Conversion Disorder. The disorder is characterized by physical symptoms of a neurological disorder, yet no direct problem can be found in the nervous system or other related systems of the body. This fact alone is not unusual; many diseases and symptoms have unknown origins. Conversion Disorder, however, seems to stem from "trivial" to traumatic psychological events and emotions rather than biological events. The extreme symptoms often disappear as quickly as they appear without the patient consciously controlling or feigning them. Thus, Conversion Disorder serves as a significant example of how blurred the conceived demarcated divisions of mind/body/behavior can be. Conversion Disorder is diagnosed solely by its physical symptoms seen in patients. Symptoms can be divided up into three groups: sensory, motor and visceral. Sensory symptoms include anesthesia, analgesia, tingling, and blindness. Motor symptoms may consist of disorganized mobility, tremors, tics, or paralysis of any muscle groups including vocal cords. Visceral functions include spells of coughing, vomiting belching, and trouble swallowing (1). Most of these symptoms are strikingly similar to existing neurological disorders that have definitive organic causes. Conversion Disorder, on the other hand, defies the nerve patterns and functions from which the symptoms should follow. CT scans and MRIs of patients with Conversion Disorder exclude the possibility of a lesion in the brain or spinal cord, an electroencephalograph rules out a true seizure disorder, and spinal fluid eliminates the possibility of infections or ot... ...ies in the seeming dichotomy between mind and body. This dichotomy however remains a created one for the benefit of our own understanding. Yet, in the case of Conversion Disorder, delineated scientific thinking seems to have prevented our understanding rather than facilitating it; by inspecting the trees, we are missing the forest. References 1)PsychNet-UK 2)Emedicine: Instant access to the minds of medicine., Dufel, Susan M.D. "Conversion Disorder". 3)Parobek, Virginia M."Distinguishing conversion disorder from neurologic impairment".Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 04/97. Volume 29. Number 2. p. 128. Infotrack: Expanded Academic , scroll down to E-journals, select Science Direct and search for title The Hysteria Over Conversion Disorder Essay -- Health Medicine Biology The Hysteria Over Conversion Disorder Scientists in fields connected to neurobiology and psychiatry remain mystified about the cause of Conversion Disorder. The disorder is characterized by physical symptoms of a neurological disorder, yet no direct problem can be found in the nervous system or other related systems of the body. This fact alone is not unusual; many diseases and symptoms have unknown origins. Conversion Disorder, however, seems to stem from "trivial" to traumatic psychological events and emotions rather than biological events. The extreme symptoms often disappear as quickly as they appear without the patient consciously controlling or feigning them. Thus, Conversion Disorder serves as a significant example of how blurred the conceived demarcated divisions of mind/body/behavior can be. Conversion Disorder is diagnosed solely by its physical symptoms seen in patients. Symptoms can be divided up into three groups: sensory, motor and visceral. Sensory symptoms include anesthesia, analgesia, tingling, and blindness. Motor symptoms may consist of disorganized mobility, tremors, tics, or paralysis of any muscle groups including vocal cords. Visceral functions include spells of coughing, vomiting belching, and trouble swallowing (1). Most of these symptoms are strikingly similar to existing neurological disorders that have definitive organic causes. Conversion Disorder, on the other hand, defies the nerve patterns and functions from which the symptoms should follow. CT scans and MRIs of patients with Conversion Disorder exclude the possibility of a lesion in the brain or spinal cord, an electroencephalograph rules out a true seizure disorder, and spinal fluid eliminates the possibility of infections or ot... ...ies in the seeming dichotomy between mind and body. This dichotomy however remains a created one for the benefit of our own understanding. Yet, in the case of Conversion Disorder, delineated scientific thinking seems to have prevented our understanding rather than facilitating it; by inspecting the trees, we are missing the forest. References 1)PsychNet-UK 2)Emedicine: Instant access to the minds of medicine., Dufel, Susan M.D. "Conversion Disorder". 3)Parobek, Virginia M."Distinguishing conversion disorder from neurologic impairment".Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 04/97. Volume 29. Number 2. p. 128. Infotrack: Expanded Academic , scroll down to E-journals, select Science Direct and search for title
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Technology And Your Right To Privacy :: essays research papers
Technology and the invasion of privacy and its effects onthe criminal justice system over the last 100 years Will searching the internet for more than 5 hours on this topic I found a quote that is very appropriate it says; Subtler and more far-reaching means of invading privacy have become available to the government. Discovery and invention have made it possible for the government, by means far more effective than stretching upon the rack, to obtain disclosure in court of what is whispered in the closet. US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandies, 1928 If Justice Brandeis could see the advances in technology, he would realize just how prophetic his statement is. He would also be appalled by the new surveillance technologies that go far beyond his wildest dreams. Now that the cold war is over, bureaucracy has little do but track us from the cradle to the grave, from your bank accounts to the bedroom. Several of the technologies created by the defense dept. have begun to creep into law enforcement, various civilian agencies and private companies. The laws on the books are old in comparison and unable to protect us from violation of our rights. I the old west there was no system to keep track of criminals. If someone was wanted he picture was posted with a reward. If convicted he was sentenced to what the judge felt was appropriate. In the early 60's surveillance and tracking was a slow tidious process of manual and/or clerical work. To trace a person's activities you had to physically follow them, or search through volumes of card files. It was necessary to contact every one your suspect came in contact with. to learn his habits. Electronic surveillance was on a one to one basis if your dept was lucky enough to have it. As an example, it took 500,000 east German secret informers and 10,000 transcribers just to listen in on it's citizens conversations. Computers capable of storing large amounts of data have revolutionized the world of surveillance. The law enforcement benefits are enormous, and government bureaucracies have been able to expand their reach and efficiency. Will technology was expanding private business was also researching it's uses. Huge companies offering credit cards, telephone service, banking and many other consumer services began to use computers with massive storage capacity. In this day and age information on every person in the developed world is computerized and stored in several if not hundreds of computers. Your information is collected, analyzed and disseminated to..... With computer net works, the net and links, it is possible now to track everyone with a single identification number, your social security number. With your specific identifier everything about you can be instantly available. Because medical, dental, financial and general information is stored in the data
Monday, September 16, 2019
Laughter and Laugh Charlie Chaplin
â€Å"Now is the Time to Laugh†Charlie Chaplin once said â€Å"laughter is the tonic, the surcease for pain. †It is also often that you hear the saying â€Å"laughter is the best medicine,†which is not just an opinion, but has been proven to be true. In this paper I will prove to you that laughter is the best medicine and that one should not suppress their laughter to seem professional or respectful. No matter what the situation, laughter should be welcomed as a natural and enjoyable action that should not and cannot be controlled. The purpose of my paper is not only to prove my point but also to help everyone to appreciate and respect the natural, wonderful experience of one’s laughter and the laughter of others. Norman Cousins said that â€Å"laughter is inner jogging,†which is a good way to put the fact that laughter is actually beneficial for one’s health. Dr. William Fry of Stanford University Medical School compared laughing to inner exercise, he showed that laughing lowers your blood pressure and heart rate, improves lung capacity, massages internal organs, increases memory and alertness, reduces pain, improves digestion, and lowers stress hormones. It also exercises the muscles involved such as your chest and abdominals. A recent study at the University of Maryland Medical Center showed that laughing more and having a strong sense of humor can decrease your risk for heart attack and heart disease. The benefits also include psychological health. It lowers stress and eases anxiety and fear. It also strengthens relationships by bringing you closer to people, helping defuse a conflict, and promoting group bonding. It also helps you think more clearly. Laughter in a relationship is important because it helps you open up more to the person and it brings you closer to them. It can ease the tension during an argument and make one feel more relaxed and comfortable in any situation. Many studies have shown that children laugh around 400 times a day while adults only laugh around 15 times a day. Many professional adults look at laughter as inappropriate and disrespectful. They reduce their laughing while at work and suppress it so they look more professional and sophisticated. School children are forced to be quite and not to laugh ecause their teachers see it as disrespectful and foolish. Lord Chesterfield said that â€Å"frequent and loud laughter is the characteristic of folly and ill manners,†but how can people believe that such a natural, wonderful feeling can be such a terrible thing. There are no reasonable explanations as to why laughter is considered disrespectful. Sure if you are laughing at someone as a way of making f un of them, then that is hurtful and disrespectful, but when people cannot control their laughter, it should not be considered a horrible thing. People don’t find other natural things like sneezing or coughing to be offensive, so why should they find laughter disrespectful. Many people say that this is not the time to laugh, especially at places like funerals, church or a business meeting, but would the person that passed away want you to never laugh in their presence? And would God give you a sense of humor if He didn’t want you to use it? And would anyone want to work with someone who had no sense of humor? Of course not! If anyone ever said they didn’t want to be acquainted with anyone who had a sense of humor and knew how to have fun than they must be lying. God made us the way we are and He made us with a sense of humor for a reason. Sure there are certain times where you should control your laughter but it is more often that you absolutely should not try to control your laughter because it should be completely acceptable in almost any situation. Laughter, love and happiness are by far the best feelings anyone could have and everyone should be able to experience. You wouldn’t say that someone didn’t deserve love or happiness, so why would you say that someone doesn’t deserve to laugh? I personally love to laugh. Who doesn’t? I love laughing with my friends and family and I love to make other people laugh. I believe that a good sense of humor is one of the best qualities you can find in a friend. Everyone deserves happiness and to be truly happy you must be able to laugh in any situation. Most of my close friends are my friends because they know how to make me laugh and I love to laugh with them. As soon as I meet someone who is funny and laughs whenever they want to, I am immediately attracted to them. The number one quality I look for in a friend or boyfriend is an amazing sense of humor and the ability to make me laugh and laugh with me. Everyone knows that no one likes a â€Å"Debby downer†and I think that everyone should be as happy as they can and laugh as much as they can. I believe that true happiness comes from love, and laughter. People should see laughter as one of the best feelings and should welcome it in any situation when it is truly natural. Every day an average person should laugh for at least 15 minutes collectively. As Charlie Chaplin said â€Å"a day without laughter is a day wasted. â€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
My Experience
Nine weeks I’ve spent in this class, learning new techniques on studying, and learning new critical thinking strategies. Nine weeks that I’ve been in school again thinking and challenging myself and learning about a variety of new things. These last nine weeks have reminded me about the long term effects that higher education will have on my future employment and current job. This class has gave me so many tools that I can use in my everyday life. These last nine weeks have helped me get my mechanics back together academically I would say. I been out of school for about six months and I haven’t been reading, just working since I came out of school. Recently in class I relearned how to take Cornell Style notes, it’s like a lost art nowadays this note taking. My experience in this class was great overall for being my first time taking an online class. I enjoyed my time because with my work schedule always varying, this class came in handy letting me log in at times when other classes are long finished. This specific course was helpful in that it helped me see there’s more ways of doing things and not to worry about stressing yourself out. One of the most important things this class taught me was collaborative learning is an important aspect of life. I say that because every time we comment on things the atmosphere on the forum is good because it seems like we were constantly feeding off each others answers. The posts always seemed to drag on and for most of week, and I believe that collaborative learning works best in environments like this. The other most important thing I learned here was the value of setting goals for yourself. Whether they be big or small, important or non important setting goals is helpful in accomplishing certain tasks in a fast and secure manner. What also makes it worth while is when you have a big goal and you have little goals in between set in front of you that you must overcome. To me goal setting has usually made me strive to do things better and faster. I believe that the long term benefits of having a education will help you with employment opportunities. I think that having a degree from University of Phoenix will greatly increase my chances of getting promoted because the school has a name for itself at several different companies. At my job alone we have 7 people that graduated from this school in the past year. I also think that with an education you’re more likely to have stability in the workplace, when there is a mass let go phrase, companies tend to keep their educated employees over noneduacated. The tools and assessments in from this course will help me in my future courses and jobs because one of the tools I learned was goal setting. Which will help me keep focus at the task at hand. I also Learned that its okay to learn different things, in an collaborative environment its okay to feed off each, but not steal each others ideas. Which in my current position at work ripping off peoples ideas is spreading like wildfire. Its like some people at my job have been biten by the copy bug. One of the most useful things I learned in this class was how to use the library. I think a lot us take it for granted because they don’t know how to use it. The library allows me to search for articles pertaining to any subject. Also the library tools such as the plagiarism finder, it checks your paper for any plagiarized material. Also the citiation tool is very helpful because it sites everything for you. So, in conclusion; nine weeks have come and gone. Finishing this class is just a goal I set when I started this program. I think collaborative learning is something that can be useful whether it be in a classroom environment or business environment. This class has taught me if you apply yourself and use critical thinking when striving for a goal you can achieve what you set your mind to. My Experience Nine weeks I’ve spent in this class, learning new techniques on studying, and learning new critical thinking strategies. Nine weeks that I’ve been in school again thinking and challenging myself and learning about a variety of new things. These last nine weeks have reminded me about the long term effects that higher education will have on my future employment and current job. This class has gave me so many tools that I can use in my everyday life. These last nine weeks have helped me get my mechanics back together academically I would say. I been out of school for about six months and I haven’t been reading, just working since I came out of school. Recently in class I relearned how to take Cornell Style notes, it’s like a lost art nowadays this note taking. My experience in this class was great overall for being my first time taking an online class. I enjoyed my time because with my work schedule always varying, this class came in handy letting me log in at times when other classes are long finished. This specific course was helpful in that it helped me see there’s more ways of doing things and not to worry about stressing yourself out. One of the most important things this class taught me was collaborative learning is an important aspect of life. I say that because every time we comment on things the atmosphere on the forum is good because it seems like we were constantly feeding off each others answers. The posts always seemed to drag on and for most of week, and I believe that collaborative learning works best in environments like this. The other most important thing I learned here was the value of setting goals for yourself. Whether they be big or small, important or non important setting goals is helpful in accomplishing certain tasks in a fast and secure manner. What also makes it worth while is when you have a big goal and you have little goals in between set in front of you that you must overcome. To me goal setting has usually made me strive to do things better and faster. I believe that the long term benefits of having a education will help you with employment opportunities. I think that having a degree from University of Phoenix will greatly increase my chances of getting promoted because the school has a name for itself at several different companies. At my job alone we have 7 people that graduated from this school in the past year. I also think that with an education you’re more likely to have stability in the workplace, when there is a mass let go phrase, companies tend to keep their educated employees over noneduacated. The tools and assessments in from this course will help me in my future courses and jobs because one of the tools I learned was goal setting. Which will help me keep focus at the task at hand. I also Learned that its okay to learn different things, in an collaborative environment its okay to feed off each, but not steal each others ideas. Which in my current position at work ripping off peoples ideas is spreading like wildfire. Its like some people at my job have been biten by the copy bug. One of the most useful things I learned in this class was how to use the library. I think a lot us take it for granted because they don’t know how to use it. The library allows me to search for articles pertaining to any subject. Also the library tools such as the plagiarism finder, it checks your paper for any plagiarized material. Also the citiation tool is very helpful because it sites everything for you. So, in conclusion; nine weeks have come and gone. Finishing this class is just a goal I set when I started this program. I think collaborative learning is something that can be useful whether it be in a classroom environment or business environment. This class has taught me if you apply yourself and use critical thinking when striving for a goal you can achieve what you set your mind to.
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